When did you first discover that you suffer from an aversion to certain sounds?

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    How old were you and who (if anyone) did you tell about it?

    #220 Reply

      As mentioned previously elsewhere I remember from a young age listening to people eat certain foods, usually juicy that I found it difficult to cope with. Also people that eat with their mouth open…the smacking. I can see and hear visual images as I write this and even that makes me uneasy.

      Certain people stick out in my mind.

      My mum eating fruit.
      A work colleague who always ate green apples, who crunched, smacked her food and continued to speak with me whilst chewing on the apple.
      The little girls who my mum babysat who worked out that I hated the noise of them eating, so they did it even more. One of the girls hummed whilst she ate…this drove me mad.

      It was a friend who actually found an article on a social media site that burst out laughing when they read it and sent it to me. That was when I could first say that I had misophonia.

      If I think of it throughout my life, multiple people have thought me ridiculous for asking them to stop talking so loud when we were conversing as I believed other people would hear. I have been told multiple times ‘do you think everyone has supersonic hearing???’. Maybe it’s just because I have.

      I never told people about my irritation. I am ‘professional’ with acquaintances and colleagues and strangers. With family, I am horrendous. I look at them with disgust, I speak to them stating my disgust and really it’s me who has the disgusting behaviour. I imagine I can make people feel self conscious and upset. They haven’t stated this to me, just that I am oversensitive, I overreact or to ‘get a grip’.

      My dog right now is chewing a dentastik and I feel the discomfort in my stomach.

      When someone makes a noise, I wish to turn to them and say, could you please not do that as it causes me stress and upset. But that is not appropriate and they would think me unhinged. But it worries me that the sound continues on repeat to the point that instead of turning around calmly and speaking, that I will one day turn around and either batter them with words/insults

      #522 Reply

        As a teenager! I can totally relate!!! UUUUGH TO APPLEEEES!!!!!! OMG!!!! Chewing gum! People with annoying s’s as they speak. So many things and you are soooo right!!! Why is it worse with family than with strangers?!! Or once you get to know someone the chewing bothers even more!!! Has happened with me as I’ve dated people and dumped people for being loud and annoying chewers. Obviously I don’t say it’s because they are annoying chewers and they can’t change it but WOW I don’t even know why people are allowed to eat in movies. That shit and eating in planes should be illegal.

        #665 Reply

          This has been an issue since I was about 3 years old. I can’t stand the sound of sniffling, chewing, mouth breathing, throat clearing, coughing, or those rambunctious noises boys make when they play (crashing, whistling, fighting sounds). When I was little, it made me angry, but it also manifested as “a bathroom problem” because I would run to the bathroom and feel like I really, really needed to pee. So weird, and totally awkward, and I was mortified when my mother told her family about it and they just didn’t get it.

          Now, I’m 28 and cope with it better but it’s still incredibly difficult, and it’s made school a living hell. I couldn’t concentrate if I heard those noises in the classroom, or the office (as an adult, obviously), and it’s a minor miracle I managed to get my MLS at all.

          #735 Reply

            As a child I used to beg my Mother to let us eat in front of the TV. Sitting at the table was torture as my Father had false teeth and made clicking sounds as he ate.I now realise that the TV would mask the sounds.
            I feel like I have always had this.

            #4783 Reply

              I diagnosed myself at 13 after watching a video on YouTube by The Gabbie Show where her friend said that the sound was making his ears tingle and Gabbie said “maybe you have misophonia. When I get it I wanna punch people in the face but maybe your reaction is different” or something along those lines and it really clicked with me. So I did research and I related so much to so many people.

              As for people who trigger me, my family is the worst. I will describe scenarios for each of my triggers. For my triggers, Ill go in order of how often I run into them (from least to greatest).

              Sometimes in the car my brother and my grandma like to ramble. And out of nowhere Ill just get so mad and want them to stop talking. And when it happens, I never really connect it to misophonia, I just figure I’m just frustrated I don’t know more about what they’re talking about. But I think it’s the sound of their voices. My grandma has a very nasally voice that has a little bit of New York in it and I see her a ton but sometimes I just wanna see her mouth shut. And my brother has a sort of deep voice but he’s a boy so what do you expect? And sometimes when he talks, the only way I can describe it is eternal and grainy. I don’t know it’s just too much sometimes.

              I love hot chocolate and my mom made it for us. My brother would get some on his spoon and slurp it. I would sit there and get all upset and mad and then my mom would yell at me. It wasn’t like they knew so I don’t think it was mean at all. But my brother still slurps hot chocolate to this day.

              All the rest of my triggers are my earliest ones and I can trace back two years.

              I was cuddling with my mom and she has allergies. We had two cats at this point and she’s allergic so she’s always sniffling. And coughing. But when I was cuddling with her it’d be like SNOOOOOOORT GULPPPPPPP COUGHCOUGHCOUGH oh hi sweethea- SNOOOOORT GULP and Im not trying to say you can’t get sick but the reason this is burned so far into my memory is because if I moved it would upset her so I would just sit there trying not to get mad and waiting for it to be over rather than actually cuddling with her.

              Sorry if I go a little too in depth with these, Im used to describing it to people who have never heard of misophonia so I don’t really know if everyone kind of gets the same way or not but yeah this is basically everything

              #1010391 Reply

                I was around 7 when I had my first trigger.

                I was in my bed, watching Prince Caspian (from the Narnia series) with my sister. About halfway through, she went and got grapes. She was right next to my ear, and the first few were fine, but then it just started bothering me. I moved the kindle we were watching the movie on to the other side of the bed so I could lay on my stomach and avoid the noise. She soon joined me. When I couldn’t take it any longer, I asked her to stop. She asked me why and I said I didn’t know. I hadn’t had any aversion to sound until then.

                I told my family it was bothering me because at that point, only some foods bothered me and I couldn’t stand eating at some meals with them.

                It was about another four/five years before I even heard about misophonia.

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