Does misophonia get worse?

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  • #1010615 Reply

      I’ve had misophonia for about 3 years now. It has been getting worse and worse over the years and I’m just now trying to figure out why. I was just wondering if anyone had taken any medications that made misophonia worse, or found that stress increased triggers? Thanks

      #1010621 Reply

        I have also found this. I have read this in articles. It doesn’t make much sense to me though- how can things that didn’t bother me in the past now make me really angry? It makes me think that part of the condition is mental rather than something I can’t help?
        I’ve not found medication to make things worse, but being stressed definitely makes things worse as it feels like I notice every little noise and the whole world is collapsing on me. I’m sat here now listening to someone playing loud music, and it is making me more and more irritated at other things that wouldn’t normally bother me.

        #1010638 Reply

          I have had misophonia since i was maybe 13, and at first it was very specific to one sound, then after some years i got another sound, and then another, and with another 15 years since i first start having these problems its really far far worse than when it started. i now have plenty of specific triggers but i also seem to get new ones significantly easier, and i even started get triggered by practically any repetitive sound caused without good reasons.

          Im honestly at a loss and not sure what to do about my life, its so hard to even get trough the day when the sounds from my neighbors make my life a hell. i feel like the only thing that can make things better is to have a place where you can go and relax, kind of recharge the batteries so that next time you experience your triggers you can handle them better. but when i have not had such a place to rest for many years, things have really gotten worse at a much faster rate than before.
          stress absolutely increase triggers for me. at some times i feel like coffee or sugar increases triggers, but alcohol reduces them.

          came to the forums in hope of finding anyone who has tried and found any medication that helps ease the symptoms. even though i have needed something for years i have not tried any medication myself.

          #1010896 Reply

            Hi, when my triggers were few i would take , they worked for a while. However yesterday they failed to stop a full blown episode caused by The Sniffer, who I can not complain about as her sniffing is a medical condition and my misophonia is not (so I am told by my manager)

            #1012692 Reply

              I’m 40 and musician and just got to know my nightmare calls misophoni and I think yes, it can get worse and worse. And I think its accelerating depends on our psychological status as well.

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