Reply To: Trigger stops when you realize it’s a different source of the sound?

Home Page Forums Misophonia Forum Trigger stops when you realize it’s a different source of the sound? Reply To: Trigger stops when you realize it’s a different source of the sound?


    Oh My Gosh! I absolutely agree with this! Finding this site 2 days ago has made me feel supported and not alone with my affliction.I get really mad when I hear loud music and tradespeople working earlier than they should be or on weekends. Do they not care that they are disturbing others’ peace? Why is it that when we THINK it is a certain noise and find out that it is something totally different, that we suddenly can accept the noise? It baffles me but is a relief! Another point that was made I can relate to is the anticipation of noises, particularly parties of a weekend. I too live in a very small country town and as quiet as it can be, if there is a party, there is only open space to exacerbate the noise and volume. I actually love it when I know it is going to rain, as generally, people stay indoors. Even the weather report can trigger me into a frenzy!